The Unstructured Sport Coat Infographic

In hot, humid weather, the unstructured sport coat is a wonderful solution. Crafted without the standard padding and lining, these coats provide an extra layer of style without adding insulation.

Soft coats get their name because they lack the internal structure such as shoulder pads, sleeve heads and canvas pieces of a sartorial sport coat.

The soft coat marks the transition between the dressier sport coat and the casual sweater. Check out the infographic about soft coat, that can be wearable in hot and/or humid weather.

weekend bag infographic

Some of the cool features are:

  • Butterfly yoke lining provides lightness and easy movement.
  • Soft shoulder offers a natural line.
  • Sleeve lining means arms don’t catch when dressing.
  • Open patch pockets add casual flair.

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